SCRAP Prescription Charges

The weblog of the Scottish Campaign to Remove All Prescription Charges. Keeping you updated on all the news about Colin Fox MSP's bill to the Scottish Parliament.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dilemma on prescriptions

THE Labour-Lib Dem coalition has came under pressure from its own backbenchers to publish its alternative to Socialist plans to scrap all prescription charges.

Under-16s, over-60s and people with certain recurrent illnesses do not pay for prescriptions, but some chronic conditions, including cancer, HIV/AIDS and multiple sclerosis do not guarantee such exemptions.

Holyrood's health committee is examining SSP leader Colin Fox's bill to abolish the fee of �6.40 per item and must soon recommend whether parliament approves it in principle.

Members challenged Lewis Macdonald, the deputy health minister, over the post-election pledge to review prescription charges for people with chronic health conditions.

Labour MSP Kate Maclean said she was disappointed the committee had to make a decision on Mr Fox's bill while ministers' alternatives were not known."

posted by Alister at 10:02 am