SCRAP Prescription Charges

The weblog of the Scottish Campaign to Remove All Prescription Charges. Keeping you updated on all the news about Colin Fox MSP's bill to the Scottish Parliament.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Progress of the Bill to Scrap Prescription Charges

A message from Colin Fox MSP:

The Prescription Charges Bill is in the middle of its scrutiny by the Scottish Parliament Health and Finance Committees and I think we can say things are going well for us.

Two weeks ago 14 witnesses were called to appear in front of the Health Committee in its first evidence taking session. Fourteen of them supported our Bill!

Last week I was called in front of the Finance Committee to give evidence on the financial side and to answer questions on the Bills Financial Memorandum.

You can read my submission to last weeks Finance Committee here. And the official record of the Finance Committee [ 8th Nov] is available on the Scottish Parliament website here.

This week the Health Committee is on a fact finding visit to Wales to speak to them about why they decided to abolish the charges there and to see what the effect has been of the reduced rates. I am confident that the benefits will be clear to them.

Next week [Tues 29th] is the crunch meeting as both the Minister for Health [or more likely his deputy Lewis McDonald] and I will appear in front of the Health Committee to give evidence in what will be the crunch meeting.

I expect the full debate in Parliament to be in mid to late January. We are drawing nearer to the abolition of prescription charges.

posted by Alister at 4:00 pm