The weblog of the Scottish Campaign to Remove All Prescription Charges. Keeping you updated on all the news about Colin Fox MSP's bill to the Scottish Parliament.
Press Release
A local branch of the Scottish Campaign to Remove All Prescription Charges covering Mid Scotland and Fife has been launched.
SCRAP will be working to build support for Colin Fox MSP's Scottish Parliament Bill to abolish prescription charges.
The parliament has the power to take such a step and in so doing would follow the example of the Welsh Assembly which will see charges phased out completely by 2007.
SCRAP Local spokesman Rowland Sheret said:
"Getting rid of prescription charges would have a major positive impact on Scotland's health. This fact is clearly underlined by official figures which show that 78,000 Scots patients were forced to go without prescription on cost grounds. last year." "Many of them may well have seen their illness worsen as a result and this has costs both for the patient and the Health Service. "
"Government claims that abolition cannot be afforded are just not true. The annual cost would be £46 million as part of an annual Scottish NHS budget £8,800 million."
"SCRAP will be on the streets, in the communities and workplaces with meetings, petition and letters to politicians pressing hard for this vital health measure".
Contact : Rowland Sheret 01786 471554
Visit SCRAP at